Sunday, January 31, 2010

Two Front Teeth

We have all been getting a lot more sleep since Elizabeth cut her two top front teeth. Her pediatrician put her on iron supplements 3x daily for one month, so we will go back to the pediatrician next week to have iron levels checked again. Other than that, the kids have been very healthy! No colds for over a month!

Here is a belt I made for Pack.

And Elizabeth's new thing is rocking like a wild woman on her cow cow!

Monday, January 4, 2010

9 months

Elizabeth went to the Dr. for her 9 month well-baby visit today. She weighted in at 19lbs, which puts her in the 50th percentile. She let me put her in the playroom at the Y for a whole hour today, which is a first. Normally we struggle to make it for a half-hour. Elizabeth enjoys playing peek-a-boo with her blanky and today, for the first time, Elizabeth is really trying to walk all on her own! She has made great progress in just one week! Elizabeth's blood work came back that she was low hemoglobin, so the Dr. is doing some more tests.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Setting the table

Pack set the table tonight before we ate dinner all by himself, without us asking! I've never asked him so set the table before, but now that I know he can do it so well....

Elizabeth has been watching Pack and Patrick put their cars in the Hotwheels run since Christmas and she just crawled over to it and dropped a car in and got it started all on her own! Elizabeth ate eggs and strawberries this week for the first time. She loves strawberries! And she will not come near a spoon full of baby food.

The babies are growing up.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Pack loves to work on his tree climbing skills

Looking forward to 2010. We are so blessed to have two healthy children. After Christmas we had a warm rain that melted all of our snow and gave us a very nice day for playing outside.

Elizabeth and Pack going for their first wagon ride in their wagon that Santa brought them.

Elizabeth, trying out the shopping cart from Mimi and Papa.

Pack's imagination is very active. The other day while we are driving, he was looking up at the clouds and he said "Mommy, I wish I would fly without wings". He has been busy making up his own songs, "Muddy, Muddy" and "Froggy, Froggy"...same melody, different lyrics. Pack now regularly tells me which way I'm turning, left or right, while driving.

Elizabeth seems to understand everything we say, and seems to be starting to talk. Yesterday, she said "bye, bye" as we buckled her into her car seat and closed the car door. Last night I was talk to Elizabeth and ask her to walk to me, and she would do just that! And she was cruising around the table saying "mama, mama" or "dada, dada" but she doesn't say it to us just yet. She goes for her 9 month check up on Monday! Can't wait to see how much she weighs.