Sunday, February 20, 2011

Almost March

This month has gone by so quickly! We were all sick the beginning of the month, Patrick and I had the respiratory flu, then bronchitis, Elizabeth got an ear infection and Pack somehow escaped it all with a mir cough. Last weekend we were in Detroit for Patrick's birthday and Sarah and Dave's wedding. And now Pack is off of school all this week for Winter Break, which is really a joke for those of us who are paying for our children to attend school after the 6 days of school that were cancelled for snow in January! We had a very nice week of weather last week; a spring tease with temperatures in the upper 50's.

Snow pictures from the end of January, our 5th big snow of the month?
I was putting Elizabeth down for a nap one day this week and could hear Pack playing, then suddenly things got very quiet.....while he fell asleep playing.