Saturday, October 17, 2009

She Smells Tired

Pack told me yesterday that Elizabeth smelled tired, she was ready for bed.

Our weather cooled off considerably this week and we have been enjoyed lots of fires in our fireplace! Aunt Barbara and Bill came over for dinner on Tuesday night. Elizabeth and Pack both had playdates this week, but before leaving the house Thursday morning Pack fell on his chin and it split open, so we were off to the doctors office instead! Thankfully there was not much blood and Pack was really calm the whole time until the doctor had to strap him to a board to glue his chin back together. We avoided stitches!

Elizabeth is really crawling now. She started really using her arms about a week ago. Her two little teeth are very cute. She loves drinking cold water!

Last weekend we drove to Westpoint for the Army vs. Vanderbilt game. Vandy had a good showing with a huge tent full of people and food. The drive around Bear Mountain was beautiful.

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